Whats new in this release?
- Support for element containers like frames, SPAN, div.
- Refactored the locators and made them better :)
- More test coverage and improved doc. (Check out the wiki)
Future releases... They are quiet far ;). We have lots of things planned. Using the Automation Framework of Chrome is one of them. Compatibility with Watir API, support for table and element collections are also in the list. If you have anything in mind, add it to the wish list we will be putting up in the wiki soon.
I also added the ChromeWatir page in the Watir wiki. Check out the page here.
Download the gem, install, use and let us know the feedback.
Congratulations for your big step.
Many times an error comes up when I use goto:
Exception: Navigation timed out
The page is completely loaded so I don't know why I get this error.
version 1.4.0 and Vista
Thank you...
Yeah we are aware of the problem for Navigation timed out. The problem is the instability of Chrome and the v8 debugger command line interface we are using.
We are looking into this problem and hope moving to the Chrome Automation framework will help us.
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