Thursday, February 19, 2009

ChromeWatir 1.5.0 Released

I am happy to announce that we have released a new version of ChromeWatir. You can get the gem or source from the project page. We have been working on it for quite sometime and it is me whom you should blame for doing a long spike on Chrome AutomationProxy which I did not complete till now :).

What is new in this release

  • Support for table and file field elements
  • Support for Element Collections like links, images, etc.
  • Refactoring and fixing defects in launcher code.
ChromeWatir is still in alpha but we have got some really good feedback and support make it better. Thanks for everyone who helped and encouraged us.

Now that we are done with the release, I think it is time to start working on C++ code to use AutomationProxy for the next release now ;).